Purpose and Functions of the Ministry
The executive authority has a responsibility to give political and strategic direction to the Department and its agencies to ensure that they deliver on this mandate.
The role of the Minister or Executive Authority is outlined in section 7 of the Public Administration Act of 1994
In order to play this role the executive authority needs to have sufficient political, strategic and administrative support capacity.
The Public Service Act of 1994 and Chapter 8 of the Ministerial Handbook outline the support requirements for the Executive Authority (The Ministry).
These requirements are informed by the following Key Performance Areas in the Ministry, which are necessary for the executive authority to perform his/her duties optimally.
The following are the Key Performance Areas of the Ministry.
Ensure that administrative support is rendered to the executing authority on Parliamentary and Cabinet matters.
This would, inter alia, entail the following:
- Ensure that events in Parliament are monitored to identify matters that have a bearing on the portfolio of the executing authority and coordination of parliamentary questions.
- Ensure that an efficient and effective parliamentary service is rendered.
- Ensure that the movement between the Pretoria and Cape Town offices for parliamentary sessions are co-ordinated and controlled.
- Deal with Parliamentary and Cabinet matters as the need arises.
Ensure that the required administrative functions are performed within the office of the executing authority.
This would, inter alia, entail the following:
- Ensure that liaison with internal and external role-players with regard to matters relating to the portfolio of the executing authority is done.
- Ensure that a Cabinet support service is rendered to the executing authority.
- Personally liaise with internal and external role-players and render a Cabinet support service as the need arises.
Assist the executing authority with his/her constituency work.
This would include, inter alia, the following:
- Liaise with relevant role-players in the constituency and other political structures.
- Resolve constituency matters referred to the Ministry.
- Follow up and monitor requests received from the constituency.
Assist the executing authority with matters emanating from his/her portfolio and official matters emanating from other activities, e.g. participation in national and international forums and structures.
This would include, inter alia, the following:
- Co-ordinate and follow-up on requests and instructions of the executing authority to institutions within his/her portfolio.
- Serve as link between the executing authority and the institutions within the portfolio of the executing authority.
- Compile documents and briefing notes as required for the executing authority.
- Verbally brief and/or ensure that the executing authority receives documentation and briefing notes for meetings timeously.
- Manage the VIP security of the executing authority with the SAPS.
- Conduct research as required by the executing authority.
- Give strategic leadership on, and co-ordinate communication with, the media on the portfolio and other activities of the executing authority.
- Manage special projects as required by the executing authority.
- Oversee the management and maintenance of the official residence of the executing authority by Public Works.
Manage the office of the Ministry.
This would include, inter alia, the following:
- Develop and manage the strategic and operational plans of the office of the executing authority.
- Manage the budget of the office of the executing authority.
- Manage the human resources in the office of the executing authority.
- Ensure the efficient and effective utilization of human resources.
- Ensure that the necessary personnel are recruited and retained within budgetary constraints.
- Ensure sound employment relations.
- Quality control of the work delivered by supervisees.
- Advise supervisees with regard to all aspects of the work.
- Serve as the formal disciplinary authority with regard to the employees in the office of the executing authority.
- Ensure that supervisees are trained and developed to be able to deliver work of the required standard efficiently and effectively.
- Establish, implement and maintain efficient and effective communication arrangements with employees in the office of the executing authority.
Study the relevant Public Service and departmental prescripts/policies and other documents and ensure that the application thereof is understood properly.
This will entail inter alia:
- Remaining up to date with regard to the applicable prescripts/policies and procedures that apply to his/her work terrain.
- Remaining abreast with the procedures and processes applicable to the office of the executing authority.
In order to build the necessary capacity to allow the Ministry to deliver on its Key Performance Areas, a structure is proposed in relation to the identified roles.